
Agriculture is core to a healthy economy and society. It is also one of the few, if not only industries where up to 100% of the outcomes are dynamic and production is subject to a myriad of variables over time and space. I’ve been fortunate to explore these variables in many different capacities and identify ways to build a more sustainable system.

Agriculture and the environment

Agriculture and environment are deeply interwoven. Agriculture is a significant lever to addressing climate change, land use changes, biodiversity loss, and other environmental impacts. It is key to support farmers to improve their resilience and sustainability (economic and environmental) while lessening the impact on the environment and natural resources.

Agricultural economics

Farmers make hundreds of decisions on how to run their business, and adopting conservation soil practices is no different. Understanding the intersection of economics, risk and agriculture is critical as discussed in this video. Economics, decision-making and environmental impact are closely intertwined.

Mitigating farmer risk

There are a myriad of ways to support conservation practices through improved policy, better market-based mechanisms, and mitigating farmer risk. Listen to testimony before the U.S. House of Representatives discussing the complexities of conservation practice adoption that are outlined in the written testimony.

Agricultural data and technology

Data and digitization can help farmers across the US and globally increase production efficiency, and improve both resiliency and financial viability up the value chain. With increasing productivity demands, connecting producers with data is increasingly critical.

Agriculture data and digitization

The desire for digital and digitization in agriculture is not new. At the 2020 Foster our Future Expo, panelists on “A Farmer’s Perspective on Agricultural Data Value, Usage and Privacy” shared how they’re changing the landscape of food production.

Global implications of innovation

Barriers to progress in agriculture are a worldwide problem. My work in India has focused on agriculture, data and technology, supplemented by work with the World Bank developing a data solution from the needs of the researchers and decision makers around the world.

Unlocking the Agricultural Data Revolution

The virtual conference explored the importance of data in agriculture particularly as farmers and ranchers work to build resilience.  This conference addressed key topics such as data privacy, cybersecurity, data gathering technology, and the need for interoperable data at scale. These topics were also addressed in a webinar series.

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