Climate change

The environment faces many proximate threats, many of which are linked back to climate change. My work throughout graduate school and in both private and public sectors has explored how carbon, soil health and market dynamics contribute to sustainability.

Sustainable solutions

The impacts of climate change are not limited to one population, discipline or geographic area. No one person is exempt from the impacts. Understanding how to mitigate these impacts and foster a collective mindset of sustainability is imperative.

Understanding the widespread impact

Climate change impacts communities on a global scale, and action is more important than ever. While financial support is crucial to drive change, the passion and purpose of individuals is driving the necessary shifts to mitigate the widespread impacts.

Embracing a multifaceted issue

Climate change has created challenges across disciplines and fields. Much of my work in agriculture is in response to a changing climate and at the intersection of food and the environment.

Global implications

Climate change is a unique challenge because it affects all living things across the world. No person or place is exempt from the impacts, and thus solutions must be to scale.

Creating incentives

My background in soil health and my time working directly with farmers on agriculture-related practices and carbon market sizing has given me firsthand experience on opportunities to reduced carbon through policy and technology.

Mental toll and community impact

Working towards climate change solutions can be overwhelming, exhausting and traumatic as the stakes continue to increase. Understanding how to mitigate the emotional stress of climate change work is vital to support those doing this work every day.

Our path to climate change

As I’ve learned is true for many, my journey to this work was not linear, as discussed through various paths to climate change.